
发布时间:2017-05-01 来源:本站原创



钟金钢,教授,博士生导师,1964年生,分别在合肥工业大学、中国科学技术大学、暨南大学获得学士、硕士、博士学位。长期从事成像光学、生物医学光学等领域的科学研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在“Nature Communications”、“Optica”、“Optics Letters”、“Optics Express”、“Biomedical Optics Express”和“光学学报”等国内外期刊发表学术论文过百篇,至今论文被SCI他引八百多次,ESI高被引论文一篇;已获授权中国发明专利十六件,美国专利一件;“基于傅里叶谱获取的单像素成像”被中国激光杂志社组织评选为“2015中国光学重要成果”。





代表性论文(被引次数来自2019-8-29 Google 学术搜索

    1. Zibang Zhang, Xiao Ma, Jingang Zhong*, “Single-pixel imaging by means of Fourier spectrum acquisition,” Nature Communications, Vol. 6, Article number 6225, 2/2015. (被引154次,ESI高被引论文)

    2. Jingang Zhong*, Jiawen Weng, “Spatial Carrier-Fringe Pattern Analysis by Means of Wavelet Transform: Wavelet Transform Profilometry,” Applied Optics, Vol. 43, No. 26, 4993-4998, 9/2004. (被引183次)

    3. Jingang Zhong*, Jiawen Weng, “Phase retrieval of optical fringe patterns from the ridge of a wavelet transform, ” Optics Letters, Vol. 30, No. 19, 2560-2562, 10/2005. (被引160次)

    4. Zibang Zhang, Shijie Liu, Junzheng Peng, Manhong Yao, Guoan Zheng & Jingang Zhong*, “Simultaneous spatial, spectral, and 3D compressive imaging via efficient Fourier single-pixel measurements,” Optica, Vol. 5, No. 3, 315-319, 3/2018. (被引22次)

    5. Jingang Zhong*, Yu Huang, “Time-Frequency Representation Based on An Adaptive Short-time Fourier Transform,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 58, No. 10, 5118-5128, 10/2010. (被引83次)

    6. Jingang Zhong*, Jiawen Weng, “Dilating Gabor transform for the fringe analysis of 3-D shape measurement”, Optical Engineering, Vol.43, No.4, 895-899, 2004. (被引65次)

    7. Jingang Zhong* and Huiping Zeng, “Multiscale windowed Fourier transform for phase extraction of fringe patterns,” Applied Optics, Vol. 46, No. 14, 2670-2675, 5/2007. (被引54次)

    8. Zibang Zhang, Xueying Wang, Guoan Zheng, Jingang Zhong*, “Hadamard single-pixel imaging versus Fourier single-pixel imaging,” Optics Express, Vol. 25, No. 16, 19619-19639, 8/2017. (被引50次)

    9. Jingang Zhong*, Y. Zhang, “An absolute phase measurement technique based on number theory in multifrequency grating projection profilometry”, Applied OpticsVol. 40, No. 4492-500, 2001. (被引49次)

    10. Jiawen Weng, Jingang Zhong*, and Cuiying Hu, “Digital reconstruction based on angular spectrum diffraction with the ridge of wavelet transform in holographic phase-contrast microscopy,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 26, 21971-21981, 12/2008.  (被引48次)

    11. Zibang Zhang, Jingang Zhong*, Three-dimensional single-pixel imaging with far fewer measurements than effective image pixels, Optics Letters, Vol. 41, No. 11, 2497-2500, 6/2016. (被引34次)

    12. Jingang Zhong*, M. Wang, “Phase unwrapping by a lookup table method: application to phase maps with singular points,” Optical Engineering, Vol.38, No. 12, 2075-2080, 1999.(被引32次)

    13. Shiping li and Jingang Zhong*, “Simultaneous amplitude-contrast and phase-contrast surface plasmon resonance imaging by use of digital holography,” Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 3, No. 12, 3190-3202, 12/2012. (被引22次)

    14. Zibang Zhang#, Manhong Yao#, Xiang Li, Qiwen Deng, Qingyu Peng, Jingang Zhong*,Simultaneous functional and structural imaging for photovoltaic devices,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 193: 101-106, 5/2019.

    15. Xiao Ma, Zibang Zhang, Manhong Yao, Junzheng Peng, Jingang Zhong*, “Spatially-incoherent annular illumination microscopy for bright-field optical sectioning,” Ultramicroscopy, Vol. 195, 74-84, 12/2018.

    16. Jingang Zhong*, Jiawen Weng, “Windowed Fourier Transforms,” Book: Phase Estimation in optical interferometry, 2th chapter, edited by: Pramod Rastogi and Erwin Hack, ISBN: 9781466598317, Publisher: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), Publishing date: November 21, 2014. 学术专著。

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